L. Zhao, C. Marchioli, H.I. Andersson (2014) ``Slip velocity of rigid fibers in turbulent channel flow, '' Phys. Fluids, 26 063302.
L. Scarbolo, A. Soldati (2014) ``Wall drag modification by large deformable droplets in turbulent channel flow, '' Comput. & Fluids, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.06.027 .
S. Lovecchio, F. Zonta, A. Soldati (2014) ``Influence of thermal stratification on the surfacing and clustering of floaters in free surface turbulence, '' Adv. Water Resour., 72 22-31.
S. Chibbaro, C. Marchioli, M.V. Salvetti, A. Soldati (2014) ``Particle tracking in LES flow fields: conditional Lagrangian statistics of filtering error, '' J. Turbul., 15(1) 22-33.
F. Zonta, A. Soldati (2014) `` Effect of temperature-dependent fluid properties on heat transfer in turbulent mixed convection'', J. Heat Transfer - Trans. ASME, 136 022501.
L. Scarbolo, A. Soldati (2013) ``Turbulence modulation across the interface of a large deformable drop, '' J. Turbul. , 14(11) 27-43.
C. Marchioli, Alfredo Soldati (2013) `` Rotation statistics of fibers in wall shear turbulence, '' Acta Mech., 224 2311-2329.
S. Lovecchio, C. Marchioli, A. Soldati (2013) ``Time persistence of floating particle clusters in free-surface turbulence, '' Phys. Rev. E, 88 033003.
F. Zonta, C. Marchioli, A. Soldati (2013) ``Particle and droplet deposition in turbulent swirled pipe flow, '' Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 56 172-183.
S. Dearing, M. Campolo, A. Capone, A. Soldati (2013) ``Phase discrimination and object fitting to measure fibers distribution and orientation in turbulent pipe flows, '' Exp. Fluids, 54 1419.
M. Campolo, F. Curcio, A. Soldati (2013) `` Minimal perfusion flow for osteogenic growth of mesenchymal cells on lattice scaffolds,'' AIChE J., 59 3131-3144.
F. Zonta (2013) `` Nusselt number and friction factor in thermally stratified turbulent channel flow under Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq conditions '', Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow , 44 489-494.
A. Capone, A. Soldati, G.P. Romano (2013) ``Mixing and entrainment in the near field of turbulent round jets, '' Exp. Fluids, 54, 1434.
9.L. Zhao, C. Marchioli and H.I. Andersson (2012) ``Stokes number effects on particle slip velocity in wall-bounded turbulence and implications for dispersion models, '' Phys. Fluids, 24 021705.
8.A. Soldati, C. Marchioli (2012) ``Sediment transport in steady turbulent boundary layers: Potentials, limitations, and perspectives for Lagrangian tracking in DNS and LES, '' Adv. Water Resour., 48 18-30.
7.E. Pitton, C. Marchioli, V. Lavezzo, A. Soldati, F. Toschi (2012) ``Anisotropy in pair dispersion of inertial particles in turbulent channel flow, '' Phys. Fluids, 24 073305.
6.F. Bianco, S. Chibbaro, C. Marchioli, M.V. Salvetti, A. Soldati (2012) ``Intrinsic filtering errors of Lagrangian particle tracking in LES flow fields, '' Phys. Fluids, 24 045103 (Issue Cover).
5.D. Molin, C. Marchioli, A. Soldati (2012) ``Turbulence modulation and microbubble dynamics in vertical channel flow,'' Int. J. of Multiphase Flow 42 80-95.
4.F. Zonta, M. Onorato, A. Soldati (2012) `` Turbulence and internal waves in stably-stratified channel flow with temperature-dependent fluid properties '', J. Fluid Mech., 697 175-203.
3.F. Zonta, C. Marchioli, A. Soldati (2012) `` Modulation of turbulence in forced convection by temperature-dependent viscosity '', J. Fluid Mech., 697 150-174.
2.L. Scarbolo, D. Molin, P. Perlekar, M. Sbragaglia, A. Soldati, F. Toschi (2012) ``Unified framework for a side-by-side comparison of different multicomponent algorithms: lattice Boltzmann vs. phase field model '' J. Comput. Physics , 234 , 263-79.
1.M. Campolo, D. Molin, A. Soldati, N. Rawal (2012) ``Protocols to compare infusion distribution of wound catheters'' Medical Engineering & Physics , 34 326-332. Supplementary material
2.R. Puragliesi, A. Dehbi, E. Leriche, A. Soldati, M.O. Deville, (2011) `` DNS of buoyancy-driven flows and Lagrangian particle tracking in a square cavity at high Rayleigh numbers,'' Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 32 915-931.
1.F. Zonta, C. Marchioli and A. Soldati (2011) ``Time behaviour of heat fluxes in thermally-coupled dispersed particle flows '' Acta Mechanica, 218 367-373.
3.A. Soldati, M. Campolo and F. Sbrizzai (2010) `` Modeling nano particle deposition in diesel engine filters, '' Chem. Eng. Sci., 65, 6443-6451.
2.V. Lavezzo, A. Soldati, S. Geraschenko, Z. Warhaft, and L. R. Collins (2010) `` On the role of gravity and shear on inertial particle accelerations in near-wall turbulence '', J. Fluid Mech., 658 229-246.
1.C. Marchioli, M. Fantoni, and A. Soldati (2010) ``Orientation, distribution and deposition of elongated, inertial fibers in turbulent channel flow, '' Phys. Fluids, 22 033301.
5.V. Lavezzo, R. Verzicco, and A. Soldati (2009) `` Ekman pumping and intermittent particle resuspension in a stirred tank reactor,'' Chem. Eng Res Des, 87, 557-564.
4.F. Sbrizzai, R. Verzicco, and A. Soldati (2009) `` Turbulent flow and dispersion of inertial particles in a confined jet issued by a long cylindrical pipe ,'' Flow Turb. Combustion, 82, 1-23.
3.M. Campolo, M. Andreoli, and A. Soldati (2009) `` Computing flow, combustion, heat transfer and thrust in a micro-rocket via hierarchial problem decomposition ,'' Microfluidics and Nanofluidics , 6, 881-898.
2..H.A. IJzermans, M.W. Reeks, E. Meneguz, M. Picciotto and A. Soldati (2009) ``Measuring segregation of inertial particles in turbulence by a full Lagrangian approach,'' Phys. Rev. E, 80 015302. Selected for Nanoscale Science and technology , 20 .
1.A. Soldati, and C. Marchioli (2009) ``Physics and modelling of turbulent particle deposition and entrainment: Review of a systematic study,'' Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 35 827-839.
5.C. Marchioli, M.V. Salvetti, and A. Soldati (2008) ``Appraisal of energy recovering sub-grid scale models for large-eddy simulation of turbulent dispersed flows, '' Acta Mech., 201 277-296.
4.C. Marchioli, M.V. Salvetti, and A. Soldati (2008) ``Some issues concerning Large-Eddy Simulation of inertial particle dispersion in turbulent bounded flows, '' Phys. Fluids, 20 040603.
3.C. Marchioli, A. Soldati, J.G.M. Kuerten, B. Arcen, A. Taniere, G. Goldensoph, K.D. Squires, M.F. Cargnelutti, and L.M. Portela (2008) ``Statistics of particle dispersion in direct numerical simulations of wall-bounded turbulence: results of an international collaborative benchmark test,'' Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 34 879-893.
2.M. Campolo, A. Cremese, and A. Soldati (2008) `` Controlling particle dispersion in a transverse jet by synchronized injection ,'' AIChE J., 54 (8), 1975-1986.
1.F. Zonta, C. Marchioli and A. Soldati (2008) `` Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer Modulation in Micro-Dispersed Channel Flow,'' Acta Mech., 195 305-326.
4.C. Marchioli, M. Fantoni, and A. Soldati (2007) ``Influence of added mass on anomalous high rise velocity of light particles in cellular flow field. A note on the paper of Maxey (1987), '' Phys. Fluids, 19 098101.
3.C. Marchioli, V. Armenio, and A. Soldati (2007) ``Simple and accurate scheme for fluid velocity interpolation for Eulerian-Lagrangian computation of dispersed flows in 3D curvilinear grids, '' Comput. & Fluids, 36, 1187-1198.
2.C. Marchioli, M. Picciotto, and A. Soldati (2007) ``Influence of gravity and lift on particle velocity statistics and transfer rates in turbulent vertical channel flow, '' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 33 227-251.
1.M. Campolo, M. Andreoli, L. Tognotti and A. Soldati (2007) `` Modelling of a multiphase reacting turbulent jet: application to supersonic carbon injection in siderurgic furnaces ,'' Chem. Engng Sci, 62, 4439-4458.
3.C. Marchioli, M. Picciotto, and A. Soldati (2006) ``Particle Dispersion and Wall-Dependent Fluid Scales in Turbulent Bounded Flow: Implications for Local Equilibrium Models, '' J. of Turbulence , 7 N60, 1-12.
2.C. Marchioli, V. Armenio, M.V. Salvetti and A. Soldati (2006) ``Mechanisms for deposition and resuspension of heavy particles in turbulent flow over wavy interfaces, '' Phys. Fluids, 18 025102.
1.F. Sbrizzai, V. Lavezzo, R. Verzicco, M. Campolo and A. Soldati (2006) `` Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent particle dispersion in an unbaffled Stirred-Tank Reactor,'' Chem. Engng Sci, 61, 2843-2851.
7.M. Picciotto, C. Marchioli, and A. Soldati (2005) ``Characterization of near-wall accumulation regions for inertial particles in turbulent boundary layers, '' Phys. Fluids, 17 098101.
6.A. Soldati (2005) `` Particles Turbulence Interactions in Boundary Layers, '' ZAMM - J. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 85 , 683-699.
5.A. Giusti, F. Lucci, and A. Soldati (2005) `` Influence of the lift force in direct numerical simulation of upward/downward turbulent channel flow laden with surfactant contaminated microbubbles, '' Chem. Eng. Sci., 60 6176-6187.
4.M. Picciotto, C. Marchioli, M. Reeks and A. Soldati (2005) `` Statistics of velocity and preferential accumulation of micro-particles in boundary layer turbulence, '' Nucl. Eng. & Des., 235 , 1239-1249.
3.F. Sbrizzai, P. Faraldi, and A. Soldati (2005) `` Appraisal of 3D numerical simulation for sub-micron particle deposition in a micro-porous ceramic filter, '' Chem. Eng. Sci., 60 6551-6563.
2.M. Campolo, M.V. Salvetti, and A. Soldati (2005) `` Mechanisms for Microparticle Dispersion in a Jet in CrossFlow, '' AIChE J. , 51, 28-43.
1.M. Campolo, G.M. Degano, L. Cortelezzi and A. Soldati (2005) `` Influence of jet inlet conditions on the time-average behavior of transverse jets,'' AIAA J., 43 , 1549-1555.
4.F. Sbrizzai, R. Verzicco, M. Pidria, and A. Soldati (2004) `` Mechanisms for Selective Radial Dispersion of Microparticles in the Transitional Region of a Confined Turbulent Round Jet, '' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 30, 1389-1417.
3.M. Campolo and A. Soldati (2004) `` Numerical Evaluation of Mixing Time in a Tank Reactor Stirred by a Magnetically Driven Impeller,'' Ind. Eng. & Chem. Res., 43, 6836-6846.
2. M. Campolo, S. Rivilli, and A. Soldati (2004) `` Analisi costo-efficienza di impianti per l'abbattimento di COV (Composti Organici Volatili),'' Ingegneria Ambientale, , 23 , 229-239.
1. M. Picciotto, C. Marchioli, and A. Soldati (2004) `` Remarks on the Distribution of Inertial Particles in the Wall Region of a Turbulent Boundary Layer, '' Multiphase Sci. & Technol., 16, 281-293.
5.M. Campolo, F. Sbrizzai, and A. Soldati (2003) `` Time dependent flow structures and Lagrangian mixing in Rushton-impeller baffled-tank reactor,'' Chem. Engng Sci, 58, 1615-1629.
4.A. Soldati (2003) `` Cost/efficiency analysis of a wire-plate ESP with an advection diffusion equation for turbulent particle transport'', Aerosol Sci. and Technol., 37, 171-182.
3.M. Campolo, A. Soldati and P. Andreussi (2003) `` Artificial neural network approach to flood forecasting in the River Arno,'' Hydrol. Sci. J., 58 ,381-398.
2.C. Marchioli, A. Giusti, M.V. Salvetti, and A. Soldati (2003) `` Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle Wall Transfer and Deposition in Upward Turbulent Pipe Flow, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 29, 1017-1038.
1.C. Narayanan, D. Lakehal, L. Botto, and A. Soldati (2003) `` Mechanisms of particle deposition in a fully-developed turbulent open channel flow, '' Phys. Fluids, 15, 763-775.
7.C. Marchioli and A. Soldati (2002) `` Mechanisms for Particle Transfer and Segregation in Turbulent Boundary Layer '', J. Fluid Mech., 468, 283-315.
6.M. Campolo and A. Soldati (2002) `` Appraisal of Fluid Dynamic Efficiency of Retreated-Blade and Turbofoil Impellers in Industrial Size CSTR,'' Ind. Eng. & Chem. Res. 41 1370-1377.
5.M. Campolo, A. Paglianti, and A. Soldati (2002) `` Fluid Dynamic Efficiency and Scale-Up of a Retreated Blade Impeller CSTR,'' Ind. Eng. & Chem. Res. 41 164-172.
4.A. Soldati, (2002) `` Influence large-scale streamwise vortical EHD flows on wall turbulence,'' Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 23 441-443.
3.F. Beux, A. Iollo, M.V. Salvetti, and A. Soldati (2002) `` Current density approximation for efficient computations of electrostatic fields in wire-plate precipitators,'' IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 38, 858-865.
2.M. Campolo, P. Andreussi, and A. Soldati (2002) `` Water quality control in the river Arno,'' Water Research, 36, 2674-2681.
1. A. Soldati, M. Campolo, G. Velcich (2002) `` Controllo delle emissioni di un forno elettrico ad arco: efficienza di captazione delle cappe durante la fase di carica,'' Ingegneria Ambientale, , 31 , 26-37.
4.S. Cerbelli, A. Giusti, and A. Soldati (2001) `` ADE approach to predicting particle dispersion in wall bounded turbulent flows'', Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 27, 1861-1879.
3.A. Serra, M. Campolo and A. Soldati (2001) `` Time-dependent finite volume simulation of the turbulent flow field in a free-surface CSTR,'' Chem. Engng Sci., 56, 2715-2720.
2. A. Soldati and C. Marchioli (2001) `` Prospects for Modulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer by EHD Flows,'' Turbulence Structure and Modulation, Eds. A. Soldati and R. Monti, Springer Verlag, Wien-New York, pp 119-160
1.F. Beux, A. Iollo, M.V. Salvetti and A. Soldati, (2001) `` Approximation and reconstruction of the electrostatic field in wire-plate precipitators by a low-order model,'' J. Comp. Phys., 170 893-916.
2.A. Soldati (2000) `` On the Influence of ElectroHydroDynamics and Turbulence on Particle Transport and Collection Efficiency in Wire-Plate Electrostatic Precipitators,'' J. Aerosol Sci.,31, 293-305.
1. A. Soldati (2000) `` Modulation of turbulent boundary layer by EHD flows'', ERCOFTAC Bull., 44, 50-56.
1999 or earlier
12. M. Fulgosi, A. Soldati and S. Banerjee (1999) `` Turbulence Modulation by an array of Large-Scale Streamwise Structures of EHD Origin'', ASME Paper No. FEDSM99-6934.
11.M. Campolo, A. Soldati, and P. Andreussi (1999) `` Forecasting river flow rate during low-flow periods using neural network,'' Water Resour. Res., 35, 3547-3552.
10.M. Campolo, P. Andreussi, and A. Soldati (1999) `` River flood forecasting with a neural network model,'' Water Resour. Res., 35, 1191-1197.
9.L. Chittaro, R. Ranon, and A. Soldati (1998) `` Introducing deviations and multiple abstraction levels in fault diagnosis of fluid transfer systems,'' Artif. Intell. Eng., 9, 355-373.
8.A. Soldati and S. Banerjee (1998) `` Turbulence Modification by Large-Scale Organized Electrohydrodynamic Flows,'' Phys. Fluids, 10, 1742-1756.
7.A. Soldati, M. Casal, P. Andreussi, and S. Banerjee (1997) `` Lagrangian Simulation of Turbulent Particle Dispersion in Electrostatic Precipitators,'' AIChE J., 43, 1403-1413.
6.A. Soldati, and P. Andreussi (1996) `` The influence of coalescence on droplet transfer in vertical annular flow'', Chem. Engng Sci., 51, 353-363.
5.A. Paglianti, M. Giona, and A. Soldati (1996) `` Characterization of subregimes in two-phase slug flow,'' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 22, 783-796.
4.A. Soldati, A. Paglianti, and M. Giona, (1996) `` Identification of two-phase flow regimes via diffusional analysis of experimental time-series,'' Exp. Fluids, 21, 151-160.
3.M. Giona, A. Paglianti, and A. Soldati, (1994) `` The application of diffusional techniques in time-series analysis to identify complex fluid dynamic regimes,'' Fractals, 2, 503-520.
2.M. Giona, A. Paglianti, and A. Soldati, (1994) `` Diffusional Analysis of Intermittent Two-Phase Flow Transitions,'' Fractals, 2, 265-268.
1.A. Soldati, P. Andreussi, and S. Banerjee (1993) `` Direct simulation of turbulent particle transport in electrostatic precipitators,'' AIChE J., 39, 1910-1919.