Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes

Papers & Data Repositories

In this page, the scientific papers published in each WP of the project and the corresponding data repositories are reported. All papers are either published as Open Access manuscripts or made freely accessible on arXiv. All data repositories are publicly available and made findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable as described in the project's Data Management Plan (opens in new window).

WP 1

Title: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for simulation of multiphase flows
ESR involvement: ESR1 (IMP PAN Gdansk)

Journal papers:
[1] Spricigo E., Pozorski, J. (2023) Application of variable viscosity term in SPH computation of interfacial flows, In Preparation for possible publication in Computers & Fluids.
→ Link to the online version of the article: IMP-PAN Open Access eLibrary (file name: es_VarVisc_draft_28IX23.pdf)
[2] Pozorski, J., Olejnik, M. (2023) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics modelling of multiphase flows: an overview, Accepted for publication in Acta Mechanica.
→ Link to the online version of the article: IMP-PAN Open Access eLibrary (file name: jp_AcMe23R1.pdf) - Local repository
[3] Spricigo E., Pozorski, J. (2022) Simulation of sloshing in the moon pool with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2367 012030.
→ Link to the online version of the article: JPhys eLibrary

WP 2

Title: Simulation of turbulent bubbly flows
ESR involvement: ESR2 (TU Wien)

Journal papers:
[1] Mangani, F., Roccon, A., Zonta, F., Soldati, A. (2023) Heat transfer in drop-laden turbulent channel flow. In preparation for possible publication in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
→ Link to the online version of the article: arXiv eLibrary
[2] Mangani, F., Soligo, G., Roccon, A., Soldati, A. (2022) Influence of density and viscosity on deformation, breakage, and coalescence of bubbles in turbulence. Phys. Rev. Fluids, Vol. 7, 053601.
→ Links to the online version of the article: PRF eLibrary - arXiv eLibrary
[3] Soligo, G., Roccon, A., Soldati, A. (2020) Effect of surfactant-laden droplets on turbulent flow topology. Phys. Rev. Fluids, Vol. 5, 073606.
→ Links to the online version of the article: PRF eLibrary - arXiv eLibrary

Data repositories:
Short description: the repository contains the source code for the simulation of turbulent bubbly flows, coupled with a series of data post-processing routines that can read the raw data generated by the simulation and compute statistical quantities of practical interest.
→ Link to access the repository: CLICK HERE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8378578

Note: the research outputs produced using the shared software package in WP2 have been made publicly available on Figshare, an online open access repository where researchers can preserve and share their research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, and videos. Interested users can freely access the repository, download and/or use online and/or visualize the post-processed data. The links to access these two repositories are: Link 1 - Link 2.

WP 3

Title: Simulation of particle-droplet interaction in turbulent three-phase flows
ESR involvement: ESR3 (University of Udine)

Journal papers:
[1] Miranda S. Cruz, K., Marchioli, C. (2023) Particle interaction with binary-fluid interfaces in the presence of wetting effects. Submitted for publication to J. Comput. Phys.
→ Links to the online version of the article: arXiv eLibrary
[2] Hajisharifi, A., Marchioli, C., Soldati, A. (2022) Interface topology and evolution of particle patterns on deformable drops in turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 933, Article N. A41.
→ Links to the online version of the article: JFM eLibrary
[3] Hajisharifi, A., Marchioli, C., Soldati, A. (2021) Particle capture by drops in turbulent flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 6, 024303.
→ Links to the online version of the article: PRF eLibrary - arXiv eLibrary

Data repositories:
Short description: source code for the simulation of particle-droplet interaction in turbulent three-phase flows, coupled with a series of data post-processing routines that can read the raw data generated by the simulation and compute statistical quantities of practical interest.
→ Link to access the repository: CLICK HERE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8378573

Code tutorial:
Short description: Tutorial of the source code used for the simulation of particle-droplet interaction in turbulent three-phase flows.
→ Link to download the tutorial: CLICK HERE

Note: the research outputs produced using the shared software package in WP3 have been made publicly available on Figshare, an online open access repository where researchers can preserve and share their research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, and videos. Interested users can freely access the repository, download and/or use online and/or visualize the post-processed data. The links to access these two repositories are: Link 1.

WP 4

Title: Experimental development of improved freezing/defreezing procedure of ammonia Heat Pipes
ESR involvement: All ESRs

• Journal papers:
Miranda S. Cruz, K., Rioboo, R., Mohaupt, M., Marchioli, C. (2023) Experimental study on the detection of frozen diffused ammonia blockage in the inactive section of a variable conductance heat pipe. Submitted for publication to Appl. Therm. Eng.
→ Links to the online version of the article: SSRN eLibrary - arXiv eLibrary - Proofs on local repository