Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes


The management/governance structure of COMETE can be summarized as follows:


Supervisory Board

Name                               Role
Cristian Marchioli           EID Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, Representative of Univ. Udine
Alfredo Soldati                Research Coordinator, Representative of TU Wien
Jacek Pozorski                 Training Coordinator, Representative of IMP PAN Gdansk
Mikael Mohaupt             Representative of EHP
Carlo Poloni                    Representative of ESTECO

Roles and duties

The EID Coordinator will manage central coordination and administration, while each academic beneficiary will be responsible for the assigned research project and corresponding WP management. Univ. UDINE research administration office will provide the necessary support in dealing with financial issues. In addition, the EID Coordinator, in conjunction with the appointed administrator, will be responsible for coordinating EID meetings and engagement activities, EID webpages, communication processes, seminars, workshops, annual summerschools, conferences, networking and social events.

The governance structure will comprise a Supervisory Board (SB), a Research Coordinator (RC), a Training Coordinator (TC), a Knowledge Transfer Coordinator (KT) and an Outreach Coordinator (OC).

The Supervisory Board will take all strategic decisions regarding research, teaching and training within the EID. The SB will (1) oversee the quality of the program and ensure a well-balanced technical and transferrable skills training; (2) determine the overall research and teaching strategy and direction, and ensure alignment of the taught and transferable skills components with the research direction; (3) ensure the skills acquired by the ESRs fulfill the needs of both academic and non-academic sectors and enhance the ESRs' employability; (4) establish active and continuous communication and exchange of best practice among the partners to maximize the benefits of the EID; (5) oversee the quality and quantity of ESR supervision; (6) monitor the budget and ensure efficient local administrative management of EU funds (note that the budgets for the non-academic beneficiary, which cannot recruit ESRs, will be agreed and stipulated in the Consortium Agreement).

The Reserach Coordinator will monitor the progress of the ESRs, and evaluate individual projects.
The Teaching Coordinator will negotiate and coordinate the provision of technical and transferable skills training across all EID partners, ensuring that content and delivery of all training courses meet the highest quality-assurance criteria, and enforcing harmonization of PhD projects by involving all instructors and mentors.
The Knowledge Transfer Coordinator will ensure that research outcomes with potential for commercialization are recognized, optimally exploited and their IPR properly protected.
The Outreach Coordinator will monitor day-to-day organisation of the EID outreach and engagement activities, which will also include reaching out to the other ESRs in fluid mechanics enrolled at the host organisation to involve them in the EID program.

Each ESR will have two PhD supervisors (one from the host institution and one from the non-academic beneficiary) and will be assigned a mentor from the host organisation. The supervisors will provide daily guidance on the progress and direction of the research. The mentor will help the ESR discuss and review his/ her progress, and act as a first point of contact in case of complaints about the research supervision, training or any other aspect of the ESR interaction with the EID. A member of the SB will act as overall cohort mentor to coordinate the activities of each mentor and act as a single point of contact for ESRs and mentors across the EID if any problems arise. Disputes between ESRs and their host organisation will be solved locally with input from the EID when appropriate.