DNS of particle-laden turbulent channel flow. Shear Reynolds number: Re = 150 Particle Stokes numbers: St = 0.2, 1, 5, 15, 25, 125 Numerosity of particle samples: Np = 100000 Particle-to-fluid density: S = 769,23 Time span covered: DT = 450 (from T = 742.5 to T = 1192.5) Forces acting on particles: Inertia, Drag, Gravity (Downflow, Upflow, No Gravity), Lift Filenames: statpar.dat statistics for the particles statflu-atparpos.dat statistics for the fluid at particle position conc-t=1125.dat particle number density distribution in the wall-normal direction after 1125 wall time units conc-t=1192.5.dat particle number density distribution in the wall-normal direction after 1192.5 wall time units Note: data files have been obtained upon time and space averaging, yet they have not been averaged between the two channel halves (so z+ goes from 0 to 300). Such data (referring to z+ from 0 to 150) will be made available upon request (mailto: marchioli@uniud.it).