2008 Seminars |
Last updated: November 19, 2008 (by C. Marchioli/M. Campolo)
- On PDF equations for particle transport in turbulent flows.
speaker: M.W. Reeks
from: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).
date: November 20, 2008 (5.30pm)
- Diffuse-interface modeling of phase segregation in van der Waals fluids. Abstract
speaker: R. Mauri
from: Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Material Science, University of Pisa (Italy).
date: November 20, 2008 (5.00pm)
- Modeling two-phase flows by diffuse interphase methods.
speaker: R. Mauri
from: Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Material Science, University of Pisa (Italy).
date: November 20, 2008 (4.30pm)
- Lagrangian quantification of segregation of inertial particles in turbulence. Abstract
speaker: R.H.A. Jizermans
from: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).
date: Wednesday 18, 2008 (9.30am)
- Particle tracking, BEM and the fast multipole method.
speaker: J. Ravnik
from: Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Maribor, Maribor (Si).
date: 12 May, 2008 (4.00pm)
- Research activities in fluid mechanics at the University of the Basque Country (Spain).
speaker: J. Sancho Saiz
from: Dpto. de Ingenieria Nuclear y Mecanica de Fluidos, Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
date: 16 April, 2008 (11.00am)
- Fluidodinamica multifase in campo ambientale e off-shore.
speaker: A. Paglianti
from: DICMA, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Mineraria e delle Tecnologie Ambientali, University of Bologna.
date: 4 March, 2008 (12.30am)
- Segregation and agglomeration of particles in a random symmetric straining flow.
speaker: M.W. Reeks
from: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).
date: February 7, 2008 (12.30am)
- Dispersion and segregation of heavy particles in a model of turbulent flow. Abstract
speaker: R.H.A. Jizermans
from: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).
date: February 7, 2008 (12.00am)
- Motion of inertial particles in a simple random turbulent flow.
speaker: E. Meneguz
from: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).
date: February 7, 2008 (11.30am)
- Numerical simulations of a highly efficient disk MHD electrical power generator. Abstract
speaker: A. Liberati
from: Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama (Japan).
date: January 11, 2008 (11.00am)
Last updated: February 5, 2008 (by C. Marchioli)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of inter-particle collisions in turbulent channel flow.
speaker: V. Lavezzo
from: Dip. energetica e Macchine, Universita' di Udine, Udine (Italy).
date: February 7, 2008 (10.30am)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent heat transfer modulation in micro-dispersed channel flow. Abstract
speaker: F. Zonta
from: Dip. energetica e Macchine, Universita' di Udine, Udine (Italy).
date: February 7, 2008 (10.00am)
- Experimental study of particle pair dispersion in turbulent flow.
speaker: L. Scarbolo
from: Dip. energetica e Macchine, Universita' di Udine, Udine (Italy).
date: February 7, 2008 (9.30am)